Facebook Business Page – The Basics

Facebook Business

Do you have a Facebook Business page for your business? Well if the answer is NO, then it is defiantly something you should think about. It is a low cost solution to getting started online. Facebook has more than two billion monthly active users and is a great way for customers to find you. Having a Facebook Business page makes it easier for people to discover and interact with your business online and through Social Media.

Creating Your Business Page

iWebDesign & Development Business Page

If you use Facebook already then just go to the top right hand of the page and press create. (If you don’t you will need to set up a personal account first.) Then click on Business or Brand. If your business type falls into more than one of the category options, choose the one your customers are most likely to think of when they think about your area of expertise.

When you click on a business type, a box will open asking for a few further details, like the name of your business, your address, and your Page category. Categories are basically sub-types within the larger business category you’ve already chosen. There is a drop down menu with different options to choose from.  When you’re ready, click Get Started. Be aware that doing so indicates your acceptance of Facebook’s terms and conditions for Business Pages, so you might want to check those out.

Logos & Images

So the next thing you need to think about is images. If you already have a logo then that’s great, use what you have. If you are starting out in business you can use Canva to create a logo. This image accompanies your business name in search results and when you interact with users, and also appears on the top left of your Facebook Page. It’s important to create a good first impression. Make sure the photos you choose fit with your brand and colours and are easily identifiable with your business. The Cover image is very important. Your cover image is, the most prominent image on your Facebook Business Page, it should capture the spirit of your brand and convey your businesses personality. 

Creating Your Business Page Feel

Once you have created your page, Facebook will ask you to take a tour of the features. This is a great way to learn all the different features and applications. So down to work….You will need to add a short description of your business. Explain what your customers need to know as clearly and concisely as possible. It should be just a couple of sentences (maximum 155 characters), that best describes your business.

Your User Name

Your username (called your vanity URL) is how you will tell people where to find you on Facebook. The username can be up to 50 characters long, keep it simple. You want it to be easy to remember. Your business name or some obvious variation of it is the best way to go. Click Create a Username for Your Page to set up your vanity URL.

About Your Business

Click About in the left-hand menu of your Facebook Page.  It’s important to fill out all your details in your Facebook Page’s About Section right from the onset. As Facebook is often the very first place a customer goes to get information about you, having it all there from the beginning is important. 

From this section, you can add or edit your specific business details, like your start date, contact information, and other social accounts. Depending on your type of business, you may be able to add specific details like a menu or information about your price range and whether you have parking. This is also the section where you can add a longer description of your services. Click Edit Story on the right side of the Page to provide a detailed description of what your business has to offer and why people should Like and/or Follow your Page. 

Your First Business Page Post

Create some of your own posts, or share relevant content from other leaders in your industry. You could also create a more specific type of post, like an event or product offer—just click through the tabs at the top of the status box to bring up all the options. Make sure that when you write a post it offers value for your visitors when they arrive at your Facebook Page. Your Facebook Business Page now represents a social media presence that will make potential customers feel comfortable interacting with you.

Get Going

Now you’re ready to spread the word about your Facebook Business Page. Invite family and friends to like the Page. Use your other channels, like your website and Twitter, to promote it. Add “follow us” logos on your promotional materials and email signature. Ask your customers to review you on Facebook.

Pinned Post

If there is important information you want all visitors to your Page to see. A promotion you don’t want them to miss. A piece of content you want to show off. Then you can put this content just under your cover image, as a pinned post. It’s a great place to put an interesting article that will draw your visitors in and make them want to follow/like your page.

So there you have it, some basics to guide you when you are setting up your Facebook Business Page. Just keep in mind the following, ensure you are only sharing relevant content to your Page. Content is king ! Don’t post poor content because it can negatively affect your credibility:

  • Off-brand logos, personal posts, or low quality images
  • Posts containing incorrect grammar or spellings
  • Unprofessional looking material.
  • Anything that doesn’t fit your brand image

Take a look at your business’ page through the eyes of a potential customer and edit or remove anything that looks unprofessional.

Have Fun

Spend some time exploring the different features and make the most of what your Facebook Business Page can reveal to potential customers. Facebook and Instagram are interconnected so you can open an Instagram Account and then post to your Facebook Page at the same time as an Instagram post. There are lot’s of cool ways to promote your business – so have Fun!

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch

 Posted in:  Digital Marketing

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